On The Train From JFK

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On The Train From JFK

Bryce was on his way back from JFK. Chad caught a British Airways flight at 8, leaving Bryce with nothing to do this Thursday morning. He had almost an hour on the train to figure something out.

He had been thinking about Veronica. He was more than a little irritated that his friends had been so insistent on trying to set them up. Who needed a gangly giraffe of a girlfriend anyway? It was bad enough being short without having to accentuate it by having a giantess resting her arm on his head like some lawn jockey.

Even so, she had those eyes like molten gold that peeked at him as Janka walked her through his book of bridges. What was that look she was giving him? Was it admiration? Disbelief? Confusion? No, not confusion. He couldn’t really read that look in her eyes.

He sat on the Lang Beach train watching Kanarsy go by. Station to station, people came and went as he traveled home. He looked back into the car as the next batch walked on. Old lady. Steam-fitter. Cop. Veronica. Hobo. Another old lady. Wait, Veronica?

She had her hair pulled back into a bushy ponytail. No makeup. Big poofy winter coat with a frizzy, faux-fur collar and cuffs. Even so, it was her. Her golden eyes flashed in the morning sunlight as she looked for a seat. Her face looked a bit more pallid than at the party but the deep chocolate freckles seemed more pronounced against her natural mocha frappuccino complexion. Interesting the difference a bit of foundation and mood lighting will have on one’s appearance, he mused.

He pretended like he didn’t see her. He didn’t want her to feel obligated to sit with him. He turned to look out the window but kept a peripheral track of her movements until she walked past his seat. He heard someone plop down in the seat behind him.

“Hi, Bryce.” She said.

He turned around. She was sitting in the seat behind him with a dazzling smile. He was very surprised to see her acknowledging him, much less smiling at him. “Hi, Veronica. How are you?”

“I’m on my way to another audition. I should have brought my earmuffs. It’s really biting out there today! Where are you headed?”

“I was just dropping Chad off at JFK. Heading home now.”

“Where’s home?”

“I’ve got a little place on 34th.”

“Sounds nice, I’m staying with my cousin in Sunnyvale until I can get a place of my own.”

“It’s alright. There’s a pizza place right downstairs, so that’s a plus.”

She laughed. “How can you go wrong? So, you don’t have anything going on today?”

“Not really.”.

“Want to come watch my audition?”

“Is that allowed?”

“Sure. Would you like to?”

“Sounds like a treat. What kind of dancing is it? Ballet?”

“Oh, that was yesterday. Today’s is backup dancing for a musical.”

“Wow, you’re very versatile.”

“Thank you. I’ve been studying dance for years. It pays to branch out and learn different styles.”

“I’m sure.” He caught himself staring at the smile in her eyes. “Do you have a lot of these auditions to go to?”

“Yes. You never know who’s going to pick you up so you’ve got to get out there and hustle.”

“I see.”

“Do you have a new book you’re working on?”

“I’ve been looking for a topic to build a book around. Who knows? Maybe your audition will spark something for me.”

“Hmm, maybe so. Do you have family here?”

“My parents live over in Port Lee. How about you?”

“My folks are up in Plattsboro.”

“Wow, upstate girl.”

“Way up there.”

“No dance companies in Plattsboro?”

“Not as many as the city. I needed a change. You know?”

“Sure, I get it. A lot of people get the itch.”

“But few of them make it.”

Bryce felt like he’d hit a nerve. “Depends a lot on determination. People come here not knowing what they’re getting themselves in for. Everybody wants to be a star but not so many want to climb the ladder. I feel like you’re a step ahead of most.”

“How’s that?”

“Well, you said it yourself. You’ve got to hustle. You’re not putting your eggs in one basket, so to speak. A lot of people think they can get that one shot and skyrocket to fame. You obviously get the idea that it’s work and you have to apply for a lot of opportunities and pick the one that offers you the best advantage.”

“You may be giving me too much credit.”

“Am I? Maybe you’re shrewd in spite of yourself.”

“Maybe so. I just figured I ought to apply to everything and hope something turns out.”

“I’m sure you’ll have a bunch of offers to pick from.”

“You haven’t seen me dance yet.” She laughed.

“I’ve seen you walk in stiletto heels. Anything else has to be a cakewalk.”

She laughed so hard she snorked. “You’re so funny.”

Bryce smiled broadly. That was an unexpected treat. She was being totally unguarded with him right now. On the other hand, it might be that she didn’t actually care what his opinion of her was. If so, why did she invite him to come watch her audition? Maybe she didn’t even know she snorks when she laughs.

“Earth to Bryce!” She said, tapping him on the shoulder. “This is our stop. You’re coming, right?”

“Oh, sure.” He jumped up and got off the train with her. “Is it nearby?”

“Just down the block. It’s not too far.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind her.

They hurried down the street to a doorway.

“It’s right in here.” Veronica said.

Bryce saw a strange shadow. He pulled hard on Veronica’s arm as he took three giant steps backward. She looked confused and annoyed until the enormous red bag came crashing down on the sidewalk where she’d been standing.

“Are you alright?” Bryce pulled her close.

“Oh, my God. You just saved my life!”

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