I Drew It For You

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I Drew It For You

“What is that?” Chelsea asked.

“I’m drawing a picture of what we did this weekend.” Lynn said.

“Ooh! We put up our Christmas tree too. How big is yours?”

“All the way to the ceiling. Taller than Daddy and Uncle Ian.”

“My aunt helped us put the decorations on.”

“Is she married?”

“No.” Chelsea said plainly as she craned to watch her friend drawing.

“Uncle Ian wants a girlfriend. Mommy is going to get all of her friends to come over.”

“All at the same time? How is he going to pick?”

“One at a time.” Lynn threw down a fat red crayon to grab a green one.

“Like the ghosts in Scrooge.”

“Uh-huh.” Lynn scratched out a squiggly wreath with the green crayon.

“Can my Aunt Ivy come, too?”

“I guess so.”

“I think he’ll like her. She’s smart and she’s pretty and she has a PEZ collection.”

“I’ll ask Mommy if she can come over.”

“What is your uncle like?”

“He’s funny and he likes to play with Bradley and me.”

“She should like him if he’s funny.”

“Probably.” Lynn said as she drew a red bow on her big squiggly wreath. “Most people like him.”

“I like your picture.”

“That’s good. I drew it for you.” Lynn slid it over to her.

“Really?” Chelsea picked it up and examined every part of the picture. “Thank you!”

“What did you ask Santa to bring you for Christmas?”

“I asked for fruitcake but Mommy said they were all out.”


“Yeah, I like fruitcake.”

“I don’t think I ever had it. Is it good?”

“I love fruitcake. I guess everyone does. Mommy said they were already out.”

“It must be really good if it’s already sold out. Maybe they’ll make some more before Christmas.”

“I hope so. Since we put out cookies for Santa, he can make me a fruitcake.”

“That seems fair. I hope he does.”
holly-divider“I’m home!” Lynn came screaming in the door.

“Did you have a nice day, honey?” Her mom came into the hallway to take her coat and hat.

“We did adding and the letter M and I drew a picture for Chelsea.”

“That was nice of you.”

“She liked it.” Lynn said as she dropped to the floor and pulled at her boots.

“Do you need help with those?”

“No, I can get out of them.” Lynn wrestled with the laces. “Ooh! Chelsea has an aunt for Uncle Ian to meet.”

“Does she? How do you know this?”

Lynn tumbled over backwards as one boot popped off. “She told me, of course.”

“Well, I guess we can add her to the list.”

“She’s not married and she has a PEZ collection.” Lynn began working on the other boot.

“What man could possibly ask for more?” Her mom laughed as she tucked Lynn’s hat in a sleeve and hung the coat. “Are you sure you don’t need help?”

“I can do it.” Lynn wrestled with her foot. “What’s for dinner?”

“Pork chops.”

“Is Uncle Ian coming over to meet one of your friends?”

“Not tonight. Angela is coming tomorrow to have dinner with us.”

“Well, I hope Chelsea’s aunt gets a chance.”

“I guess we’ll see, honey. Go wash up and you can watch some TV with Bradley.”
“I’m home!” Chelsea came screaming in the door.

“Hi, baby. How was school?”

“Lynn drew me a picture. Can we hang it in my room?”

“That was nice of her. May I see?”

Chelsea handed her the folded artwork from her coat pocket as she unzipped it.

“How festive. Is that a wreath and a Christmas tree?”

“Yep. They put theirs up last weekend, too.” Chelsea wriggled out of her coat and threw it on the floor.

“Is that where it goes?”

Chelsea picked it back up and tossed it over one shoulder. “Can I have some pins?”

“We can do better than that.”

“The picture frame?”

“Your special picture frame for drawings from Lynn.”

“Do you have a best friend, Mommy?”

“Daddy’s my best friend, honey. That’s why we got married.”

“Lynn’s uncle needs a best friend.”

“Good for him. I’m sure he’ll find somebody.”

“I told her to ask her mom if Aunt Ivy could meet him.”

“Chelsea, you should have asked Aunt Ivy first.”

“Asked Aunt Ivy what?” Ivy called from the kitchen.

Chelsea dashed into the kitchen, waving her drawing from Lynn with one hand and sweeping the floor with her coat in the other. “Lynn drew me this picture, Aunt Ivy!”

“That’s very Christmasy. Good thing you have a friend like her.”

“And you can have a friend, too.”

“I can?”

“Her uncle wants to get married and I said he should marry you because you’re smart and pretty and fun and not married either and you have a PEZ collection!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Chelsea. Hold up on the marriage talk, kiddo.”

“It would be perfect.”

“I’m sure I’ll regret asking, but why would it be perfect for me to marry Lynn’s uncle?”

“Well, you aren’t married and he isn’t married. If you got married, we would all be a family and Lynn could be my best friend forever.”

“Chelsea, honey, you can be best friends with Lynn without me being married to anyone.”

“She said he was funny and he likes to play with her and Bradley.”

“But Chelsea, I don’t want to get married. I don’t even know him.”

“Well, that’s why you have to go to Lynn’s house and have dinner with him.”

“I do?”

“How do you know you don’t like him if you don’t go have dinner like all of her mommy’s friends?”

Ivy picked up her niece and gave her a hug. “That’s not how it works, Chelsea. What you’re talking about is like an audition to be in a show. Do you really want to do that to me?”

“Do what?”

“Put me in a competition with a bunch of other girls like the dogs at the dog show?”

“I don’t think you’re a dog, Aunt Ivy. I told Lynn you were pretty and smart.”

“Smart enough to know I’m not auditioning for a husband like I was trying to win a blue ribbon, honey. I’m glad you think I’m good enough to be somebody’s wife, but I’m not ready for any of that. I’m happy being by myself.”

“I’m sorry, Aunt Ivy. I thought you would like to have a best friend.”

“You’re so sweet and considerate, Chelsea. Thank you for thinking so much of me. I love you a whole big bunch.”