Midwinter Meditation

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Midwinter Meditation

We live in a fast-paced world. The holidays are a fine time to slow down and regain some balance. Today we’ll look at meditation as a tool for returning to our holiday happy place.

Reasons To Start Meditating During the Holidays

Meditation is a wonderful way to heal your mind and your soul. It relaxes your body, clears your mind, and makes you feel like your stress and worry is melting away. Everyone needs this type of mental break, especially during stressful times like the holidays. Keep reading to find out why you should meditate during the holidays.

You Get a Break From Holiday Stress

Monkey DayMany people experience a lot of stress during the holidays, instead of finding joy from them. You might be stressed about finances if you have lots of gifts to buy and spend a lot of money on parties, or the stress might come from being so busy and struggling with getting everything done on time.

Whatever the cause is, meditation can really help you to start experiencing relief from that stress. Try to make it a regular thing where you meditate at least once a day, especially on the more stressful days.

You Can Slow Down From the Fast-Paced Holiday Season

Christmas ShoppingAnother thing that people often struggle with during the holidays is being so busy. Holidays tend to be fast-paced, even if you have time off from work or school. There is a lot to do, from planning elaborate holiday meals, to working on your hosting duties.

Plus don’t forget going shopping, running errands, making crafts with kids, and trying to do your regular chores and responsibilities in the middle of all of it. With meditation, you are able to slow down for those moments and re-group your mind.

It Helps You Appreciate the Little Things

You want to appreciate the small things, which meditation can definitely help you with. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to spend on gifts this year, you will be able to focus more on the small things that give you joy.

Through meditation, you can re-focus your mind and think about spending time with friends and family and being appreciative for what you do have.

Meditation Helps With Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are also common during the holidays. Meditation doesn’t just help with your stress but can help with anxiety and panic attacks as well. If you tend to get anxious when spending a lot of time around family, then meditation will certainly be helpful for you.

It can also help with depression, whether you are depressed year-round, or tend to get seasonal depression. If you tend to feel blue over the holidays, try meditating on a regular basis and see how it helps you.

Meditation works for so many different aspects of your life. It helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Plus it will help you face the holidays with more energy and fewer feelings of dread. So start meditating to help you through the holidays.

How Meditation Helps During the Holiday Season

There is no denying that the holidays can be stressful. You’re being pulled in so many directions and to so many events. Plus the added expense of holiday shopping keeps piling up.

It doesn’t have to be this stressful and one activity that you can do will help.
What might that activity be?


You Will Increase Your Energy

By meditating during the holiday season, it calms and relaxes you, but can also give you more energy. When you are more relaxed on a mental level, you actually gain focus and energy on a physical level.

You can start getting past all of those small things that used to bother you, which gives you more energy and vitality to get things done. When there is a lot to do during a busy holiday season, this can be very beneficial.

Meditation Helps to Reduce Holiday Stress

You may be stressed in general, but it can always increase during the holidays. During this time of year, there is a lot going on, which can add up to making you feel extremely overwhelmed.

You may feel like you can’t quite keep up, you have gifts to buy, and quality time to spend with your kids, you need to worry about finances, and plan a big holiday meal. With meditation, you are able to unwind and have a few minutes to yourself.

You Feel More Motivated

With the higher level of energy and lower levels of stress in your life, meditation can also help you to feel more motivated. This gives a new lease on life, making you feel like you can accomplish more, and you actually want to accomplish more.

It is a great way to keep up with all of the holiday responsibilities and not feel overwhelmed by it. That sluggishness is gone and you just really want to pick up the pace.

Family Drama Isn’t An Issue

The unfortunate truth is that more family time during the holiday season can lead to a lot of family drama. People might have their little arguments, but when everyone is together, it can magnify existing tensions. Meditating will help you to handle all of these situations.

Meditation need be only a few minutes a day. You don’t have to spend hours doing this to make it effective. Take a few minutes before the day begins and let your thoughts go. This would also work wonderfully at night after a full day. However you elect to meditate, just get it done and you’ll feel better during the holidays.

14Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. ~Psalm 19:14

People practice meditation for a variety of reasons. It helps us become still in this fast-paced world. So if you think that life is stressing you out, it’s probably time for you to slow things down a little bit.

If your mind is too distracted with all of the cares of preparing for the holidays, meditation can help you calm down and reset the Christmas spirit.