Oh, It’s Just Ryan

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Oh, It’s Just Ryan

Jeb spotted the ladies and nudged his companion. Megaman turned to follow Jeb.

Sarah whispered, “Oh. My. God. He is adorable.”

Carol studied the man as he approached. He didn’t look like a superhero to her. Then again, what did a superhero even look like? This guy was tall, but not as tall as Jeb. He had a youthful charm, but there was a hint of sadness in his deep brown eyes.

“Hi, Carol.” Jeb said. “This is my friend, Paul.”

“Nice to meet you.” Paul grinned. “Carol and…?”

“I’m her assistant.” Sarah squeaked as she chewed her lip.

“Hi, Assistant. I’m Paul Ziegler.” He tucked his hands into his pockets. “This is a nice town.”

Sarah nodded and giggled. Carol rolled her eyes. “Hi, Paul. I’m Carol Snyder. I guess Jeb told you that Sarah and I are organizing this year’s Jingle Bell Jubilee.”

“Not really. I just got here a few minutes ago.” He looked around the bakery. “I think he tried to tell me some of the details while we threw my luggage in his truck, but the wind made it pretty hard to hear him.”

“No problem. We’ve got a lot to go over, so I guess it’s just as well to start from square one.” Carol pulled out her phone. “Can we sync up? It will make it easier to share schedules and keep in touch.”

“Oh, sure.” He pulled his sleeve back to reveal a smart watch. “HEARTH, can you sync me up with Ms. Snyder and her assistant’s phones?”

The word SCANNING appeared in holographic text above his wrist. Carol’s phone chimed and then Sarah’s.

“Wow.” Sarah pulled her phone out to find the Sentinels’ logo next to Megaman’s entry in her contacts. She blushed until her cheeks were nearly the color of her hair.

Carol sent him a series of invitations and file links. “I’ve got you on the calendar starting tomorrow. If you want to head out to Jeb’s to get settled, we can touch base in the morning.”

“If it’s all the same to you, we might as well get started. I’m pretty curious about what I’ve gotten myself in for.”

Paul’s eyebrows jumped at the sound of Sarah suppressing a squeal behind clenched teeth.

“Are you sure?” Carol asked.

“He said he was.” Sarah hissed in her ear. “Don’t talk him out of it.”

Jeb smiled. “I’ll take your stuff back to the house and set up the guest room for you. Carol, what time should I be back for him?”

She checked her phone. “I think we can probably be done by four if Paul is up for it. We just need to grab an order of cookies for Maggie.”

“Do you want me to—” Sarah eyed the counter.

“No, keep him company a moment. I’ll get them.” Carol headed over to the display cases. She glanced at the selection. ‘Hmm, no idea what she likes. Guess I’ll get a mix.

Phyllis joined her. “Hey, kid. Got the munchies?”

“Strictly business. Her Honor requested that I bring some cookies on my way back. Unless you know her guilty pleasure, I was going to get a mix.”

Phyl itched her forehead with the back of her wrist. “Maggie Mercer will definitely appreciate a mixed selection, but we’ll go a little heavy on the chocolate chip and the maple leaves.”

“Mum’s the word. I’ll have to get her some of those when this whole thing is over.”

“What thing?” Phyl worked her way behind the counter. She popped a box open and added a decorative liner. “The Christmas festival stuff?”

“Jingle Bell Jubilee. Now that we’ve got the MC, we can really get down to business.”

“Who? Jeb’s friend there?” Phyl slipped into a plastic glove and grabbed some cookies for the box. “He’s not much to look at, but he sure knows how to make an entrance.”

Carol watched her friend arrange the cookies in the box. “What kind of entrance?”

“Look at the door quick. See how you can see that guy coming in?”

“Uh-huh.” She watched a man stroll past the front windows to the door.

“Jeb’s friend didn’t do that. The door opened, and he was just there. What’s really weird is that when he opened the door, it wasn’t the outside.”


“No, when somebody comes in, you can see the street and the Zavijava behind them. When this guy opened the door, there was a tiled lobby behind him.”

“Really? That’s weird.” Carol studied the door as the man entered the bakery. She could see the scenery behind him, but he appeared as a silhouette until he was inside. ‘Oh, it’s just Ryan.’ She turned back to watch Phyl arrange the mayor’s cookies. ‘Ryan?

Phyl’s eyes widened. She looked at Carol and back at him and back at Carol.

She took a deep breath and turned. “Hi, Ryan. Been a while.”

“Carol?” He pulled off his trapper hat and tousled his wavy brown hair. “I didn’t expect to run into you here.”

“But you did expect to run into me?” A knot tightened in her gut.

“They told me you were in charge of the decorations and all.” He wrung the faux fur hat in his leathery hands. The tan plaid pattern on the outside matched his quilted flannel jacket. Ryan had well-worn jeans and beaten up wheat yellow work boots. Not the Ryan she remembered.

“Whoever they are, they’re right.” She eyed Phyl nervously. “Are you…?”

“Pastor Greg said I should apply for seasonal work.” His eyes searched her for a sign of kindness. “Said they needed extra help to put up the street decorations and stuff.”

“Oh, sure. Do you have a résumé? If you want, you can come down to City Hall with us and fill out an application.” She couldn’t believe she had actually said it, but now it was out there.

“Actually, the pastor got me an application and helped me fill it out. I just needed to bring it in.” He patted the right breast pocket of his jacket. “Can I give it to you, or do you think they’ll look at it right away?”

Carol looked at Phyl, who was just taping the box of cookies, and then to Sarah and Paul. “Um, I need to pay for these cookies, and we’re going to head back to City Hall. Would you like a ride?”

“If it’s not a bother, I’d appreciate it. That wind…” His eyes darted nervously from hers to the floor. This was definitely not the Ryan Doyle she remembered.

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