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“Are you ready for the big day?” Dennis asked.

Toby wiped down his wrench with a rag. “I guess so. Ian texted me and said they picked up our tuxes this afternoon.”

“I want pictures, man. You in a tux? This I gotta see.”

Toby chuckled and shook his head as he cleaned up his work area. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Seems like you had a great week with Meredith.”

“The best.”

“So, where do you go from here?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’ve been out with her all week.”

“It hasn’t come up.” Toby shrugged. “We’re still in the ‘getting to know you’ stage. Y’know?”

“I feel you, man. If the wedding is tomorrow…”

“Yeah, she’s going to have to go home soon.”

“What happens then?”


Meredith lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. The vibration of her phone made the nightstand hum.

I’ll be there in half an hour

Okay, thanks

She knew it was all too good to be true.

She was kidding herself.

A holiday fling with her friend’s friend.

That’s all it was.


He’d been with her every evening this week. They’d hit a bunch of restaurants, seen a movie, saw the sights.

It was nice, but it was all fluffy and superficial.

Wasn’t it?

Sure, the dating was casual, but the feelings were not.

She loved him, and he loved her.

Now it was going to be over.

She was going to go back to her ice palace, get bogged down in work and it would be like none of this happened.

Good thing she hadn’t started on her makeup. She had time for a good cry before Ivy came to pick her up.


Toby wandered into the church. Hearing the commotion in the nave, he headed in.

“Hey, Toby.” Ian waved. “Come on, down.”

“Hey, what do you need me to do?”

“Just hang here a moment. We’re going to do another run-through like we did on Sunday.”

“Sounds good. Where’s dinner going to be?”


“Ooh, swanky.”

“Holly insisted and Frank’s got a good relationship with the owner.”

“He’s taking this Honorary Father of the Bride thing pretty seriously, huh?”

“Frank’s a very family-oriented guy.”

“Hmm, family.”

Ian turned to his friend. “Whoa, is there something I ought to know?”

“What? No, well, not yet anyway.”

“Dude, are you going to ask her?”


“That’s fantastic, man.”

“Ian, this whole situation is fantastic. I didn’t believe there’d ever be someone for me, and there she is.”

“Yeah, it’s like that. At least she likes you.”

“What are you talking about? Ivy’s crazy about you.”

“It definitely didn’t start out that way.”

“You guys are so tight. I can’t even imagine that.”

“It’s funny how things work out, Toby.”

“I’ll need a miracle to make this work.”

“What do you mean? She’s crazy about you.”

“I feel the same way, but she’s got to go home soon. Then what?”

“I don’t think she’s glued to it. Her office is wherever her laptop’s at.”

“Ian, I can’t ask her to give up the city for me.”

“I don’t think it’s that big of an ask. From what Ivy said, she’s only there because she’s there. Y’know?”

“Dude, what?”

“She moved to the city for work originally. Right? That was an office job.”


“She doesn’t work at that office anymore, Toby. She works from her apartment. The only reason she didn’t move out of the city is because she didn’t feel like moving back to wherever she’s from. She’s there because she’s there. If she had a better offer…”

“It can’t possibly be that easy.”

“Sometimes it is.” Ian shrugged. “You just have to take a leap of faith.”

They turned to the door to find Ivy and Meredith entering the nave. “Wow.”

“You said it, brother.” Ian clapped him on the back. “The best women in the world just walked in. We’d better not keep them waiting.”

They walked up the aisle to meet their better halves.

“Here comes the bride.” Toby said with a smile.

“Which one?” Ian said.

Meredith blushed and slid in next to Toby. “Doesn’t she look fabulous?”

“Ivy, you look amazing.” Toby hooked his arm around Meredith’s.

“This old thing?” She lunged at Ian for a big kiss. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

“I can vouch.” Meredith said. “No spoilers, but she is absolutely breathtaking.”

“Mm, she’s that way to me every day.” Ian wrapped an arm around her waist. “I can’t wait to see it.”

Father Dave strolled into the nave with his son in tow. “Okay, is everybody here?”

“We’re still waiting for a few people.” Ian said. “We told them to be here for seven.”

“Seven?” The priest pulled a phone from his pocket. “Why was I thinking six?”

“You wanted to be here for six to make sure the church was open and warmed up.” Dustin said.

“Ah, yes. Alright, come get me when everybody’s here. I’ve got some paperwork to catch up on.”

“Okay, Father. Thank you.” Ivy said. “Oh, look, Holly’s here.”

Father Dave greeted the Hannons as he returned to his office. Dustin wandered down to the altar to straighten the flowers. Meredith could see Kendra watching him. “If that’s not a crush, I don’t know what is.”

“Huh?” Toby turned to her.

“The pastor’s son.” Meredith whispered. “Everywhere he goes, Kendra tracks him. She’s crushing hard.”

“That’s cute, but he’s kind of old for her.”

“That’s what I said. She deflected, but you can’t deny a laser focus like that.”

“Seems like. He’s a nice kid, but that skin condition of his.”

“I don’t get it.” Meredith said. “She said she’d tell me later.”

“Did I hear that you’re staying over at Frank’s tonight?”

“Yes, Ivy was concerned about making extra trips in the morning. I’ve got an overnight bag in her car.”

“That should be fun.”

“Should be fun trying to keep her marbles together. She’s starting to really freak out.”

“No.” Toby studied Ivy. “She’s usually cool to a fault.”

“It’s not everyday you get married.”

Toby looked into Meredith’s dark eyes. “No, just one single special day.”

“Yes, just one.” She said.