They Aren’t Kidding About Redheads

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They Aren’t Kidding About Redheads

“So, should I call Jeb for a ride?” Paul looked around the new Christmas village.

She turned sharply. “I can drop you off.”

“It’s so far out of your way.” He shrugged. “Maybe drop me at the Zavijava?”

Her hazel-green eyes flashed with fury as tears formed. “Do you hate me so much? Why does everybody hate me?”

“What? I don’t hate you.” He took her hand. “I thought you were mad at me.”

“I am.” She groused. “Why did you kiss Carol instead of me?”

“Look, I’m sorry. She was there and she said ‘You know what to do’, so I thought it was a bit.”

“A bit?” Her jaw dropped. “You mean to say you just go around kissing people like that for publicity?”

“Well, no, but—”

“Then, you actually didn’t mean anything by it?”

“Not really. It was just…Christmas. Right?”

She kicked him in the shin and stormed away.

“Ow!” He hobbled over to lean on a gingerbread facade. “So, I’ll just call Jeb. Right?”

She got into her little blue coupe and slammed the door.

“Hi, Megaman.” Ryan emerged from the gingerbread door. “Everything okay?”

“You might want to talk to Earl about getting some benches around here.” Paul rubbed his shin.

“That’s an idea. What are you doing here?”

“Carol’s out of town this week, so Sarah and I were conducting a progress check.”

“Is she leaving without you?”

Paul peered at the car. She hadn’t started it yet. “I’m not sure. She’s really ticked off.”

“That’s probably my fault.” Ryan put his gloves on. “I owe her an apology for how I behaved last night.”

“Maybe, but I apparently owe her an apology for how I behaved on Friday.”

“Friday? What did you do?”

“I kissed Carol under the mistletoe instead of her.”

“Are you guys going out?”

“No. I’m just here on loan for Christmas.”

“If you’re not an item, where does she get off being jealous?”

“Beats me, buddy. I was getting fan vibes from her. If I knew she was serious, I would have paid more attention.”

“It’s definitely easier when they come right out and tell you.” Ryan rubbed his sleeves.

Paul nodded. “Dude, if you get one who talks in plain English instead of expecting you to read her mind, hold on and don’t let go.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Ryan cast a worried gaze at the blue coupe. “How mad is she?”

“She said something about you flipping out at her over dinner. I guess Marta worked up the courage to ask you out?”


“She and her friend were debating it on the way out to Jeb’s place.”

“What were the pros and cons?”

“Well, Marta’s really interested in you. Trilby was worried about your record. Marta was afraid you might not feel the same way.”

“She’s great. I wouldn’t have asked her.”


“I’m just trying to get settled. You know? I don’t want to get into any drama.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about that from Marta, but Sarah is furious at both of us. They aren’t kidding about redheads.”

“Maybe I should go apologize. Seems like she’s waiting.”

“I think she’s waiting for me.” Paul said. “Hold off on the apology until I can get her calmed down.”

“Yeah, good. If she gets mad enough, she might try to get me fired. I know the Chief would love to see me get my parole violated.”

“He’s a pretty prickly guy.”

“He’s hated me my entire life and I have no idea why. I didn’t start getting into trouble until my mom left.”

“That’s rough. How old were you?”

“She took off right before Christmas when I was twelve. Dad was hardly a parent before that, but he really spiraled when she left.”

“I’m sorry you didn’t have someone to look out for you then.”

“Kind of raised myself from then on. Did a pretty bad job of it.” He squinted to hold back the tears.

“Hey, you’re here now. You’ve got a fresh start, a job you’re good at and a girl who digs you. If you get in a beef with your PO, consider me to be in your corner.”

“It can’t hurt, I guess.”

“I’d better go check on Sarah.”

“Tell her I’m sorry about last night. I’ll grovel if she needs me to.”

“Yeah, I’ll try to set that up for you. We’ll see what kind of appetite she has for groveling after I’ve had my turn.”

“You’re alright, Megaman.”

“Call me Paul. We’re friends now. Okay?” Paul extended a hand.

Ryan shook it eagerly. “Same here. If there’s anything I can do for you…”

“Stay awesome, buddy. You were a real lifesaver this weekend. You probably don’t think you did anything special, but a little kindness goes a long way. I appreciate it.” Paul headed down to Sarah’s car.

She sat in the driver’s seat, arms crossed. She rolled down the window and glared at him.

“Do you need help getting it started?”

“Shut up and get in.”

He shrugged and headed over to the passenger door. It was still locked. “I can’t.”

She fired up the engine, backed up and tore out of the parking lot.

“That’s very mature.” He waved goodbye before sliding his coat sleeve back. “HEARTH, text Jeb and ask him for a ride. I’ll meet him at the bakery.”


Sarah stormed up the stairs to City Hall and plowed into Nathan as he attempted to exit the building.

“I do apologize, Miss MacInnes.” He stepped aside. “Could you tell me where Carol is? I’ve left her a few messages.”

“She’s at the Wisler Institute getting cured of whatever Megaman did to her.”

“Cured? What did he do to her?”

“Nathan, are you the one person in the entire world who hasn’t seen that picture?”

“That business under the mistletoe? I thought that was a bit.”

She growled in frustration and stormed into the heart of City Hall.

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