Celebrate Temperance

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Celebrate Temperance

New Year’s Eve is a great time to celebrate the turning of the great wheel of time, but the statistics show that up to 48% of traffic fatalities on this celebratory night have been attributed to drunk driving year upon year.


Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
~Benjamin Franklin

I imagine this was a lot easier in Ben’s day. There was a certain amount of abundance in the American colonies when contrasted with the squalid cities of Europe but certainly, nothing compared to what we have today.

These days, not only can you shop ’til you drop but you can feast, drink and party ’til you drop. It’s almost a given that celebrating the turning of the year involves cramming every last bit of excess into the waning hours.

But do you have to?
Not really.

There is a standard that can be applied to all activities and endeavors and it’s called moderation.

There are times to take things to the extreme, but some people live there and it’s not healthy. People who only operate at the extreme end of things are usually running away from something or hopelessly obsessed with something.

The thing is if you’re only about one thing and for some reason, you can’t do that thing anymore; you’re going to find that you’re actually quite shallow and boring. Take a step back and consider that even with the one thing, you might still be fairly shallow and boring.

experienceBeing well-rounded and reasonably well-versed in a variety of interests will help you in life. Doing things in moderation certainly won’t win you the Olympics but for most of us, it helps to maintain some balance in life.

Less Is More

hangoverAs much as New Year’s Eve is seemingly intertwined with alcoholic excess, the actual point is to celebrate. Having a drink isn’t so bad as long as it’s done in moderation. For every mixed drink known to mankind, there is generally a “mocktail” that is designed to taste like it. Consider having two or three “virgin” drinks for every hard drink you choose tonight.

If you drink at all, please, Please, PLEASE don’t get behind the wheel. Have a designated driver among your number or make use of a taxi, Uber or Lyft to get where you’re going. Nothing kills a holiday celebration like killing someone. If you’ve had a drink, you’re not qualified to drive. Just don’t do it.

Being a teetotaler is no insurance against intemperance. Even though you’re not drinking, you might be stuffing yourself like a Christmas goose. Gluttony is just as unseemly as drunkenness. It may be that you didn’t get around to eating earlier in the day and you’re quite hungry, but don’t be that guy. Display some manners and spare some for others. Let everybody have a turn at the board before you finish off the feast by yourself.

That’s an end to 2018. I hope your year has been productive, pleasant and prosperous. I wish you every success in the coming year. Come back tomorrow for another of our Christmas Virtues.