I Had A Bad Dream

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I Had A Bad Dream

“Holly, wake up.”

“Oh no, Frank! I’m dead!” Holly screamed.

“Shh, you’re scaring the girls.” He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her forehead. “It’s okay now.”

Ivy pulled the bedroom door shut and shepherded the girls down the hall. “Let’s give them a minute.”

“Aunt Ivy, what’s the matter with Mommy.”

Haha, where do I even start?’ Ivy held her nieces’ hands. “She had a bad dream, girls. She’ll be alright in a moment.”

“I had bad dreams, too.” Kendra said.

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry to hear that. Come sit on the couch and we’ll talk about it.”

“Kendra, are you okay?” Chelsea leaned in to see her sister.

“No.” Kendra said, her eyes welling up.

Ivy knelt down beside her to give her a hug. Chelsea piled on. “Everybody hold tight.”

Chelsea giggled as her aunt lifted her and her sister. “I’m flying!”

Kendra chuckled in spite of herself.

“That’s better.” Ivy laughed as she put the girls down on the couch. “Chelsea, snuggle up and give her a big hug so we can hear about this dream.”

Kendra squealed gleefully as her sister dove on top of her.

“I love you, Kendra. Don’t be scared!” Chelsea smothered her with kisses.

“Okay, okay. Let me breathe.” Kendra wriggled around under her little sister.

“Kendra, can you tell us about your dream?”

She straightened her glasses. “It was those monster guys.” She sniffled. “They were everywhere.”

“I’m sorry you had to be in the middle of that, girls. That kind of thing doesn’t happen around here.”

“But it did.” Kendra whimpered.

“It was a horrible thing. Those guys had a very mean plan.”

“Mean.” Chelsea said, nestling her head on Kendra’s shoulder.

“They caused a bunch of calls that took most of the police to other parts of town.”

“That’s why there weren’t any police there for us?”

“That’s why, Kendra. Thank goodness, Slipstream was able to come in from Empire City and handle it.”

“But it was-” Kendra stopped short. “It was horrible.”

“That’s true, honey, but it’s over now. We’re all safe and they can’t get us.”

“I liked when Uncle Ian bonked that guy on the head.” Chelsea giggled.

“Uncle Ian?” Ivy laughed as she pinched her cheek.

“That’s what Lynn calls him.”

“Well, we’re not there yet, you little monkey.” Ivy tickled them both.

The girls squealed and giggled until they realized their parents had arrived.

“You guys sound happy.” Frank said. “Is everything okay?”

“We’re okay.” Ivy said. “How about you guys?”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m going to pop a bag of kettle corn.”

Kendra smiled, and Chelsea hopped on the couch.

“Can I see you a minute?” Holly held her hand out to her sister.

Ivy kissed her nieces. “I’ll be right back. Save some for me.”

Holly led her sister back to her room and closed the door. “Ivy, I’m sorry.”

“Holly, it’s so late. I know you’re upset about what happened and you had a bad dream. I’m pretty sure all of us did.”

“It wasn’t just a dream, Ivy. I saw Mom and Grammy.”

“Holly, you’re just worn out and-”

“No, you have to listen to me. It was real.”

“Okay, what did they say?”

“Mom said I was going to move in next door to her in…”

“Holly, don’t say that.”

“She and Grammy both told me how awful I was.”

Ivy grabbed her sister and hugged her. “Honey, it’s just the stress talking.”

“No, it’s true. I’m awful.”

“Are you going to get upset if I agree with you?”

“No, you’re right. You all are.”

Ivy sat back and held Holly’s hands. “You’ve been mean to me my entire life, Holly. I never knew why. Honestly, I don’t care. You’re still my sister and I still love you.”

Holly hung her head and cried. “Why, Ivy? How can you love someone as awful as me?”

“Grammy told me you’d grow out of it.” Ivy shook Holly’s hands so she’d look up. “Today’s a great day for that.”

“Ivy, I’m so sorry.”

“I know, Holly. I believe you can do better. Do you?”

“I’m going to need your help.”

“Holly, I’m your sister. I’m here for you.” She hugged her. “We’re still finding you a therapist on Monday, you know.”

Holly laughed and hugged her tighter. “That’s what Frank said.”

“What else did they tell you?”


“Mom and Grammy.”

“I thought you didn’t believe me.”

“It doesn’t matter what I believe. This is a genuine breakthrough.”

“Since you won’t believe me anyway, maybe I should tell you about Lynn and Krampus.”



“Lynn, sweetie. What’s the matter?”

“I had a bad dream.”

Nancy picked her up. “I think we all did, sweetie. Come on down and have some hot chocolate with me. Daddy and Bradley are already there.”

“Did I wake him up?”

“No, Lynn. What happened tonight was really scary.”

“I’m afraid to go back to sleep.”

“Well, Daddy had a great idea. Come on down and he’ll tell you what it is.”

Lynn rubbed her eyes and settled onto her mom’s shoulder. “Are the monsters coming back?”

“No, honey. The monsters are in jail now. We’re all safe.”

“What’s Bradley doing? I can hear him all the way up here.”

“Oh, you know how boys are.”

“Do you think Chelsea is okay?”

“I’ll bet she’s just fine, but we can call her later to be sure.”

“Look, Bradley!” Steve said. “It’s your favorite sister!”

“Oh, Daddy. I’m his only sister.” Lynn giggled as Nancy put her down in her chair.

“Well then, you know it must be true.”

Bradley had crumbs and melted chocolate chips all over his face. “True!”

“See, he made you a cup of hot chocolate while Mommy was bringing you down.”

Lynn laughed. “Daddy, you made it. Bradley doesn’t know how to use the microwave.”

“Oh, you caught me. He told me to do it, so it’s kind of like he made it. Right?”

“You’re too silly.” She grabbed her mug. “Mommy said you had an idea.”

“Probably the best idea I’ve had in years.” Her dad nodded.

“Well? What is it?” She squealed.

“We’re going to put on some jolly Christmas music.”

“Music.” Bradley echoed.

“We’re going to build a great big blanket fort.”

“Blanket!” Bradley pumped his fists over his head.

“And we’re going to climb in and snuggle up in a big bunch where the monsters can never get us.”

Bradley threw a piece of chocolate chip cookie at Lynn. “Monsters!”

Lynn screeched gleefully as she dodged the cookie. “I’m not a monster, Bradley.”

Bradley threw his head back and laughed.

Everybody joined him.

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