Meeting Niki

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Meeting Niki

“Who’s the victim tonight?” Steve asked as he poured himself a mug of cider.

“Victim.” Nancy shook her head. “Niki is coming over at eight.”

“Skipping dinner? Good idea. Less chance of a reenactment of The Exorcist.”

“Oh, stop. Poor Angela. She was mortified.”

“I do feel bad for her. I think she and Ian would probably have gotten along alright.”

“I thought so, too. That’s why I invited her first. We’ll see how Niki does, I guess.” Nancy stirred butter into the mashed potatoes.

“Something smells good.” Steve sniffed to try to identify the aroma.

“Probably the lemon pepper on the fish.”

“Mm, that’s it. Stewed tomatoes, too?”

“You betcha.”

Lynn dashed past the kitchen doorway. “Uncle Ian’s here!”

“Who needs a doorbell when you’ve got a Kindergartner?” Steve laughed.

“Hey guys.” Ian said as Lynn dragged him into the kitchen. “Who’s the victim tonight?”

“The two of you.” Nancy growled as she stirred the mashed potatoes.

“Her friend, Niki, is coming over later.”

“That’s good. I was going to suggest we wear rain ponchos.”

“Alright, alright. Can we let it go and give Niki a fair chance?” Nancy brandished the spoon angrily.

“Bradley!” Lynn dashed from the kitchen. “Daddy and Uncle Ian are in trouble!”

Ian threw his hands up in surrender. “Just kidding. I’m sure Niki will be a delight.”

“At least she won’t be crazy like that woman at the grocery store. I can vouch for Niki.” Nancy moved the bowl of mashed potatoes to the table and checked the time remaining on the oven. “Take a seat guys. Fish is almost done. Lynn! Bradley! Come sit.”

Steve waited for his kids to enter the kitchen before sitting so he could put Bradley in his booster seat. Ian held Lynn’s hand so she could climb onto her chair. Nancy brought the fish and the stewed tomatoes to the table and took a seat.

“I think it’s my turn for grace.” Steve said. “Let’s bow our heads and thank God for our delicious food and a mommy who is so good at cooking it for us. Let’s pray that Uncle Ian finds a nice person to be friends with and that we can all stay healthy and happy.”

“Amen.” Bradley said as he grabbed for his silverware. “What’s it?”

“Lemon pepper fish. Try a little and let me know if you want more.” Nancy put a morsel on his plate with a scoop of mashed potatoes. “Do you want the tomatoes on top or to the side?”

“On top.” Bradley speared his potatoes with his training fork.

“So, how about a sneak preview?” Ian asked. “Can you tell me a bit about her?”

“Niki?” Steve said. “She’s great. I think you’ll like her. She’s kind of outdoorsy, like you.”

“That sounds good. What does she do?”

“She works at the garden center at DIY Bazaar.” Nancy said.

“The one at the mall?”

“Mm-hmm.” Nancy dished out some food for Lynn.

“I know most of the people there. Maybe we’ve met.”

“Oh, probably so.” Nancy said. “She’s got short black hair.”

“Nose ring? Arm-length tattoo?”

“Yes, that’s her. Is that a problem?” Nancy’s eyes widened.

“No. She’s always been nice when I stopped in. I didn’t realize she was available.”


“Well, I stopped in a couple of weeks ago and she seemed to be with somebody.”

“Oh, she didn’t mention anyone when I invited her. She seemed excited to meet you.”

“Maybe I misread the situation.” Ian shrugged.

Steve’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean ‘with somebody’?”

“Let’s just say that if she was any closer, she would have been behind her.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize. She didn’t say she had a serious relationship.”

“Yeah, who knows? It’s her own business anyway, isn’t it?” Ian shoveled food in his mouth to keep from saying more.

Lynn looked up at her uncle. “Maybe he’ll throw up on her instead.”

“Lynn, be nice.” Nancy said. “It was a couple of weeks ago. Anything could happen in that time.”

“Chelsea’s aunt is still available. I don’t think she has a girlfriend. Chelsea would have told me.”

“Well, Niki will be here tonight and she and Uncle Ian have stuff in common. Chelsea’s aunt might not get a turn.”

Lynn shrugged and dug into her mashed potatoes.
holly-divider“May I have some, too?” Frank asked.

“Of course, Daddy. I didn’t know you like fruitcake.” Chelsea said.

“I’m a man of varied tastes.” He smiled and cut a slice for himself.

“Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Holly huffed.

“Chelsea, grab your plate. We’ll go watch a Santa Claus show in my room.” Kendra pushed back from the table.

“No food in your rooms.” Holly said.

“Since when?” Kendra scoffed. “Put yours in a bowl so you don’t make crumbs, Chelsea. Come on.”

Frank sat there and silently fumed.

Ivy planted her face in her palm for a moment, took a deep breath and left the table.

“Okay, we’re alone now. Care to explain that crack? Santa’s watching, you know.”

“Santa?” Holly snorted. “You’d be on the naughty list for life, Frank.”

“For what? What did I do? Why are you always like this? You used to be fun.”

“Fun? Is that all there is for you?”

“Apparently not, Holly. Fun definitely seems to be a thing of the past. I’m just at a loss as to why that is. What is it you’re punishing me for? I didn’t forget your birthday or our anniversary. I know we had to reschedule the shore trip, but that was a work thing. It couldn’t be helped. I said I’d make it up to you.”

“Make it up to me? As if.” Holly crossed her arms.

“Well, when you’re ready to tell me what I’m being punished for, let me know. I have no idea what the issue is but I’d very much like to get past it.”

“I’m sure you would. Let’s just sweep everything under the rug, huh?”

“Just tell me what it is so we can fix it.”

“Fix it? Fix it! How do you fix Jenny from Accounting’s lap dance, Frank? There are some things you can’t unsee, much less fix.”