Moving Forward In Moderation

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Moving Forward In Moderation

So, we’re back to this concept that has been the supporting structure of so many other of our Virtues of Christmas.


Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
~Benjamin Franklin

driving experiencesThere are those who say “everything in moderation” and I’m one of them. There are those who say that “moderation is for cowards“, but people who say that are typically adrenaline junkies who are heading toward a demise of their own design. In the grand scheme of things, practicing moderation is a wise move.

Moderation in eating prevents gluttony and obesity. Moderation in action prevents repetitive stress injuries. Moderation in thought prevents close-mindedness and doubling down on one’s errors. Moderation in feeling prevents harmful stress and driving others away due to egotistical extremes.

Avoid Extremes

Some people thrive on extremes, but you can only maintain that kind of lifestyle for so long. Certainly, a vigorous youth will lead to healthy adulthood. It has actually kept me from falling entirely to pieces or blimping out in my time.

The thing is, people who thrive on extremes usually end up feeling the pain much later in life. Whatever the extreme happens to have been, it often precludes pursuit of the little pleasures that make life worthwhile..

Old sports injuries show up to haunt you in later years when pain becomes the norm. Being lonely because you’ve driven everyone away with a monomaniacal pursuit of career or some goal that left no time for family or intimacy leaves a hole that you only feel when the goal has been achieved or missed.

Forbear Resenting Injuries

This is a big problem for a lot of people.

The most disconcerting part is in many cases, the person for whom you bear a grudge might not even know that you’re mad. Watch the clip below to see Agent Coulson’s reaction to the guy who has spent decades trying to exact revenge.

If you’ve got an issue with somebody and you’re never going to see them again, let it go. Don’t create huge Machiavellian plots to exact revenge.

If you’ve got an issue with somebody who you see on a regular basis, have it out with them. Clearing the air will probably do you both a lot of good as long as you handle it maturely and respectfully.