Yules Sincerely

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Yules Sincerely

We’re drawing close to the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas and our list of Christmas Virtues. We are going to get a little love in our hearts and start living in the truth.


Sincerity. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
~Benjamin Franklin

A New Year’s Resolution that might be worth considering is to be more truthful in the coming year. As Christmas Virtues go, you can’t go far wrong being more honest and sincere in life. Certainly, there actually is such a thing as too much honesty. We need to temper honesty with kindness.

When you try to make all of your interactions sincere and fair, you’ll find that life provides you with many win-win encounters. Even people with whom you are typically at odds will often warm to you with consistent sincerity. Give it a go this year, honestly!

Tiny Tim

He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see. ~Bob Cratchit

tiny-timTiny Tim Cratchit is one of the most sincere and utterly guileless characters in Christmas fiction. The frail, youngest child of Bob and Emily Cratchit is by nature as innocent as he is ill. Because of his sweet and angelic nature, he helps to melt the stony heart of the miserly Ebeneezer Scrooge.

Blissfully unaware of the presence of Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present, Tim wins over the old man who only hours before had said people such as Tim should die “and decrease the surplus population“. His sweet youthful demeanor is a constant blessing to the Cratchit family, who are doing their best to eke out a living in their four-room house in Camden Town.

Buddy the Elf

This place reminds me of Santa’s workshop … except it smells like mushrooms and everyone looks like they want to hurt me. ~Buddy the Elf

Buddy is a human who got into Santa’s bag and rode back to the North Pole with him one Christmas Eve. He stayed there and was raised as an elf and taught to abide by The Code of the Elves. When Santa revealed his origin to him, Buddy went on a quest to find his biological father.

Because Buddy was raised at the North Pole, he has an elfish innocence that makes him quite ill-suited to survive in New York City. Even so, his unrestrained sincerity serves him very well and helps him make a lot of friends.

Buddy has a way of getting himself into trouble because of his uninhibited honesty but he means well and doesn’t really stay in trouble for long. It all works out in the end because Buddy is true to who he is and truthful to those around him.